Center Computer Resources

Project Type

Light Box Sign Cabinet

Project Budget


Project Location

About The Client

The Center of Computer Resources client was a call in – they found us online. The customer was looking for a lit wall sign cabinet, but they wanted the sign to have a non-traditional look. We were able to meet their needs and help them get the look they pictured.

Project Overview

The client wanted the cabinet to have a non-traditional, more high-end look, with a routed-out face, metal face, text, and logo cut out. Burgundy translucent vinyl was used for branding, and it was a 6-inch cabinet, which is a thinner style than traditional.

The Result

The client was very happy with the finished product. They are a great repeat client, we have received 2-3 orders a year for the last five years. Some of their yearly orders include banners and interior lobby signs.

Our Work

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