You don’t have to be a genius or a specialist to know that the field of communications is a rapidly changing one. We use forms of communication today that didn’t even exist in our grandparents’ era (or our own parents’ earlier lives, for that matter).
Yes, the way that we communicate is often subject to trends—cultural elements that experience dramatic shifts in popularity over time. So, let’s take a look at changes that may affect digital signage and explore ways you can tap into these changes for your business, nonprofit, or organization.
1 – “Smarter” signage
There’s a lot of talk these days about artificial intelligence (AI). But exactly what artificial intelligence is—that’s not always well understood. When it comes to digital signage, artificial intelligence may have a role to play.
However, it’s important to realize that this does not mean you should anticipate human-like digital billboards that are equipped to take over the world. No, not all. If you’re thinking full-size cutout signs are going to evolve into humanoid robots and take over the world, then we can see why you might panic. But that’s not actually what we’re talking about.
Instead, we’re talking about what Lamasa Tech meant when they wrote, “AI will decide whether certain content should be shown to a specific customer after analysing many databases and indicators. It will analyse a person’s goal when he or she is in front of the screen and determine the appropriate advertisement for that particular moment.”
And we also find the same idea in this statement from Digital Signage Today, “Luckily better analytics are now on the way thanks to new technologies like AI. Deployers can now use AI to analyze historical customer data to deliver more effective, personalized content.”
Pull those two ideas together and what you do you get? The idea of leveraging computing power to help spread the right message at the right time. In other words—let computers do what computers do best to help signs do what signs do best. Head over to Digital Signage Today to learn 4 ways AI is transforming digital signage.
Tap into it

If this is the wave of the future, then you surely want to be a part of it, right? However, you might be wondering how to go about taking AI-inspired action for your own digital signage. Here are a few ideas.
- Educate yourself – Learn all you can about artificial intelligence and how it may relate to your business or organization.
- Talk with others – Begin polling others in your industry for advice and ideas about using artificial intelligence. Are they tapping into it already for their business or organization? If so, how are they using it and what kind of results are they seeing?
- Consult the experts – Talking with experts in the field could get you started on an effective partnership—you know your business and experts know theirs. Find a way to combine these two deep wells of knowledge to take your business to the next level.
In this vein, you can always think of hiring a consultant. But if money is tight, consider reaching out to a local university to learn if a partnership is a possibility. The school may have information technology students who would be happy to use your real-world business as part of their final project—a win for both of you.
2 – Better-looking signage
Now, let’s pivot and look at a trend that isn’t necessarily backed up by external data. Instead, it’s a personal perspective on what we think should be a trend in digital signage. Will it grow in popularity? We certainly hope so!
Why do so many digital signs look B-grade? Sure, you’ve seen them as you pass by schools, churches, fire stations, and business. Signs that are simply lackluster or visually unappealing. We can call it the “scourge of ugly digital signs.”
Possible culprits
So just what are we talking about here? Well, for one thing, digital signs with garish colors can sometimes look less-than. Otherworldly turquoise on a flaming yellow background—not the greatest idea. Radiant ruby and glowing evergreen—those colors may be a little more appropriate for a holiday display than for year-round digital messages.
Of course, dead pixels are another culprit. So are fonts and sizes of text that are difficult to read. And, certainly, another bad strategy is digitizing any marketing image—text, photos, or a combination—that was poorly designed to begin with. Let’s face it, not all visuals are created equal. And there can be a vast chasm between “good enough” marketing visuals and stellar ones.
Tap into the power of well-designed signage
Begin your journey toward a top-level brand image by using only the best visuals to represent your company, nonprofit, or organization. Here are several ways to get started.
Think long-term

Ask yourself what you want people to think about your company, not just now but also five years from now. If you want to be viewed as professional, expert, and trustworthy, craft your signage with those values in mind.
Sure, some signs are cheaper than others. But remember that in most industries, you get what you pay for.
Get expert assistance
Experts can weigh in on more than sign construction and installation. Some even offer design services. Ask to see any expert’s portfolio so you know if partnership will be a good fit.
Study up
The internet offers a vast array of resources for learning about how you can best reach your customers. Try out free classes about marketing, advertising, and graphic design. Plus, read all you can. And watch videos too. Take a look at our Tips & Tricks To Designing Eye Catching Business Signs and browse 10 Professional Sign Fonts + The Meanings Behind Them.