Just what is the difference between a custom capsule and channel letters? As is often the case, it’s easier to demonstrate than to describe. So, let’s take a quick look at the two different sign types.
Custom capsule
First, let’s take a look at a great example of a custom capsule for a T-Shirt company.

Notice how the sign is composed of a mostly flat sign face and the content is for the most part flush with that face?
Channel letters
Now take a look at this channel letter job to illustrate the difference between the two.

See how the letters are 3D and not at all flush with a flat sign face? Now that you’re getting a feel for the difference, let’s take a quick moment to note that the custom capsule vs channel letters question doesn’t require an all or nothing answer. In fact, you can actually have both at the same time.
A hybrid—the best of both worlds
That’s right, you can have channel letters combined with a custom capsule. While you can choose all one type or all the other, sometimes you might decide that selecting both is actually the best way to get your message across. Case in point? Advantage Financial Cash Advance—take a look at how our job for them represents the best of both worlds when it comes to custom capsules and channel letters.

Custom capsule or channel letters?
So, which is a better choice for your business, a custom capsule or channel letters? Or does your best bet stem from some combination of the two? Either way, you may find yourself wondering how you should choose among the options. Let’s explore some factors to help aid your decision making.
You may want to choose a custom capsule if…
Here are some scenarios that might mean a custom capsule makes sense for you. Be sure to talk it out with your sign specialist to get an expert’s perspective tailored to your particular situation.
1 – You have a lot of words and content
Yes, some companies have names with just one word. You saw one above when we profiled Huf as an example of a business with a channel letter sign. However, plenty of companies need more than one word to reflect what their business does and offers. Take, for instance, Blue Apron Baking Company.

They’re a perfect example of a company with plenty to say on their sign—and they provide a great glimpse into part of the rationale behind custom capsules, too. Custom capsules offer additional space for your message without taking up all the space that channel letters could. Plus in this case, the smaller font used on the custom capsule provides a great balance to the sign. It’s quite clear the message wouldn’t have looked nearly this good constructed from only channel letters in only one size.
2 – You’re working with a particular budget
Custom capsules can actually help keep your sign cost on budget. Take the case of Kim’s Alterations. Aiming to stay within the set budget, our sign team put channel letters and a custom capsule together to reconcile cost and aesthetic considerations all at once.
3 – Your sign needs contrast
While uniformity is often a great thing, sometimes you need a little contrast to provide eye-catching appeal. In the case of signs, you can provide contrast by varying font type, sign color, or text size. And custom capsules can help you make this happen. For instance, check out how both the phone number and the word Canal are set off in this combination sign for Canal Pharmacy.

4 – You’re aiming to make the best use of your space
Imagine you want to fit all of your sign content in the limited space you have, but you’re worried about overfilling. You don’t want viewers to feel like they’re being overwhelmed with information. Plus, you know you need to keep the overall appearance visually appealing instead of information overloading. Check out how Star Nails and their custom capsule combined with channel letters fits two words into the available space by stacking one word on top of the other. There’s even plenty of open space leftover on all sides, too.
5 – You want to say it all—in every color, too
Some companies want their signs to be more than their name alone. And we could see that above with some of the combination custom capsule and channel letter signs. Additional words and even a logo could be natural additions to a sign.

While combinations are great, sometimes a custom capsule alone can fulfill all of a company’s building sign needs. Take, for instance, the first sign we showed you earlier. For I’m Just Say’n a custom capsule was the perfect match for their needs—providing plenty of space for all of their words and enough flexibility to accommodate the wide range of colors.
A sign for every need
When it comes to the question of custom capsule vs channel letters, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, take stock of your own needs, preferences, and budget and discuss your options with a sign professional. And don’t forget to check out our Tips & Tricks To Designing Eye Catching Business Signs. Plus, you can also begin collecting ideas for displaying your sign’s text with our 10 Professional Sign Fonts + The Meanings Behind Them.