When you want to reach people with a message, a sign is an obvious choice. Unlike speaking word of mouth, a sign can communicate without constant human input. Yard signs in Detroit are just one way to do this. And they have plenty of applications—some you may not have thought of!
First, the obvious use
There’s one common and well-recognized use for yard signs that surfaces every time an election rolls around. That’s right, political signs. Used to show support for a favorite candidate, they crop up cyclically in neighbor’s yards and by the side of the road. Still, the popularity of using political yard signs may be waning.
However, there are plenty of other uses for these small signs—from business promotions to community events. We’ll dig into some below. But even these possibilities aren’t the extent of your options for yard signs.
Raise awareness for people or issues
While signs can take sides for a politician, they can also be used to promote policies as opposed to people. And some of these issues could even be bipartisan. For instance, a local group could use them to create awareness of a contested local-interest topic. Here’s a Virginia community where signs are lobbying for firefighters’ interests.
Promote community events
Additionally, you can put signs to work letting the community know about events they might want to attend. Even if you’re advertising your event elsewhere (like social media or bulletin boards) yard signs can still inform and remind. Here’s an Ohio community tapping into the power of yard signs—for a community yard sale.

Give directions with yard signs in Detroit
Of course, any time you’re trying to get to a destination, you need directions of some sort. Sometimes, you know based on prior experience. And other times, the GPS is invaluable. But what about the times that you’re almost all the way to your destination, yet need some indicators at the last moment? You’re just not sure which driveway entrance to use or where to park.
Well, as a business or individual you can take some of the guesswork out of problems like these for your patrons or guests. Don’t leave the poor drivers to figure it out for themselves. Instead, use yard signs to make directions clear. Placed by the edge of the road, they can tell guests where a birthday party is. Or, they can point patrons toward the main entrance of a business.
Use yard signs for your business
Since businesses want to communicate with current and future customers, they can put yard signs to work, too. Real estate agents might promote an open house using a yard sign. A company recently moving into the area might use a yard sign to announce that they’re “Now Open.”
Plus, if a company isn’t very visible from the nearby road, they could choose a yard sign with their logo. Placing it near the road could alert people passing that the company is there, even if their storefront isn’t visible.
And businesses can also use road signs to let customers know about one particular product or service among the many they offer. For instance, a medical clinic might promote its sports physicals with a roadside sign. That way, athletes or parents passing by will know that the clinic offers this specialized medical exam.
Yard signs in Detroit could even give a boost to small businesses operating out of the owner’s home. For instance, if you keep honeybees and have honey to sell, a roadside sign could help. Your neighbors might drop by for some. And drivers might stop as they pass by your house.
Yard signs in action
For those of you who like to see things in action, here are some yard sign examples. Yard signs have been used for:
- Motorcycle safety awareness
- National Day of Prayer promotion
- Supporting military families
Yard signs can also be used more than one way, too—as Xavier Cortada’s idea to upcycle spent political campaign signs demonstrates.
Shoot for a successful sign experience

As you create a great yard sign, remember to check on any rules and regulations that apply. This could include any ordinances set by the locality you live in. And it also could include any restrictions imposed by your HOA if you have one. Check ahead of time, so you don’t end up with any surprises after the fact.
Here’s another thing to consider. Unless your yard signs are designed to get the attention of pedestrians, you may want to make sure your vital information is large enough for passing drivers to see. For one thing, you don’t want your communication to be fruitless because drivers couldn’t see it. Plus, you don’t want your sign to cause an accident because a driver was trying so hard to see it.
Your sign company may offer design services in addition to their manufacturing. If so, they may be able to assist you here. See if they have wisdom to share in determining the optimal size for your sign’s text and other elements.
Say it with yard signs in Detroit
Whatever your message, consider using yard signs in Detroit as a way to get your message to your audience. From invitations to open houses or alerts about special promotions, get these signs in on the action. Create your signs thoughtfully, too. Learn more with The Importance Of Good Signage & The Psychology Behind How It Works. Or check out our Tips And Tricks To Creating The Most Effective Signs For Marketing.