Schofield Early Childhood Center PTA

Project Type

Tradeshow Displays

Project Budget


Project Location

About The Client

Schofield Early Childhood Center is the lower elementary of Fitzgerald Public Schools. Preschool and kindergarten are taught at Schofield. Schofield Early Childhood Center was referred to Signarama through the parent of one of the students. The parent of that student ordered indoor posters for display during Teacher Appreciation Week.

Project Overview

The parents of the PTA group for Schofield came to Signarama with an idea to have signage made for display during Teacher Appreciation Week. The Signarama team discussed what the plan was for the teachers at the school, and then proposed 2 designs based on the theme of heroes and donuts. After coming up with these 2 themes, we determined it would be best to print the sign double-sided, to double the message! Schofield was able to display the “DONUT know what we would do without you” side of the sign during morning hours, and the PTA group provided donuts for the teachers. The superhero side of the sign was displayed for the rest of the week to represent the heroes of the school district!

The Result

Because the sign brought more awareness to parents about teacher appreciation month, the PTA group was able to provide lunch for the teachers. On top of that, seeing the signs definitely made the teachers smile!

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