Gus’s Fried Chicken

Project Type

Miscellaneous Signs

Project Budget


Project Location

About The Client

Gus’s Fried Chicken is a national franchise that recently came to our local community. They heard about our large national franchise team and immediately reached out to us. The franchise’s branding guidelines called for custom neon signage, which presented a unique challenge for our production team.

Project Overview

Their business was located in the nook of several shopping centers and did not have the greatest visibility from the busy Woodward traffic. A free-standing pole sign at the maximum allowed height was placed facing parallel to the busy traffic. Our greatest challenge was the building’s setback from the road. We had a small space to fit the sign in order to not extend past the cities regulations on placement, while also ensuring we were keeping the sign at the maximum allowable square footage.

A 16′ tall pole sign was installed with custom, single stroke neon for the branding. A beautiful neon border was placed around the sign with all elements of the logo produced in neon of varying colors. The face of the cabinet was laid with a vinyl print so the impact of the brand would be just as visible during the day.

The Result

What was once a barely noticeable business on a busy street now stands a bright sign that is hard not to notice. Our team worked tirelessly with Gus’s team for 4 months to create this one-of-a-kind sign. This project remains to this day one our of most creative and fun signs!

Our Work

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