Annapolis Park Church of Christ

Project Type

LED Electronic Message Center

Project Budget


Project Location

The ministry at The Annapolis Park Church of Christ is the same as that of the first century church of Christ and will never change. It is a non-denominational church. Located in Westland MI.

Annapolis Park Church of Christ had an existing sign that needed to be updated, and had already incurred a majority of the costs with a strong foundation and brick base. Our team of electronic message center sign experts knew we could help with an affordable solution.

Do you have a monument sign that is getting old and outdated? Want an LED Message Center but don’t want to scrap your old monument sign. Not to worry Signarama Troy has the solution. We are the experts at revitalizing old tattered monument signs. Signarama Troy has worked with many different types of monument signs. By refinishing them and adding an LED Message Center rather then tearing down and starting from scratch you are sure to get noticed and save some money along the way. This is exactly what Annapolis Park Church of Christ wanted to do. They wanted a brand new LED Message Center with out the expense of pouring a new foundation and redoing all the brick work

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