Amy’s Thai Food

Project Type

Channel Letters

Project Budget


Project Location

About The Client

The owner of Amy’s Thai Food, Mo, has known us for 15 years and started working with us at our old location in Madison Heights. When Mo opened up a new location in Sterling Heights, he was looking for channel letters and window graphics and decided to reach out to us again. We have done a couple of sets of channel letters in the past for Mo.

Project Overview

Mo was heavily involved in design work for the job and would pop in from time to time to see how the signage was going. The final set of channel letters had a sign perimeter, white channel letters, a backboard, and a red halo. The logo, a common logo in Thailand, was also included with the channel letters. Additionally, our team produced window graphics and tenant panels for Amy’s Thai Food.

The Result

The overall project took six weeks to complete – four weeks in fabrication and two weeks in permitting. The client was very pleased with the outcome of the final product. Since we have worked with them in the past, he was very easy to work with. Mo has referred many other businesses to us.

Our Work

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