Part of your holiday preparation may include creating holiday-themed signs for your business. But what if you’re feeling fresh out of inspiration? After all, knowing you want to do something and actually carrying through on the idea are two totally different things. Sometimes, you just need an extra boost of inspiring ideas to help you generate a good idea then execute that good idea. And that’s what we’re here for today—to show you some signs to motivate your own holiday sign additions.
#1 Wordplay on the window
If your office space or restaurant has plenty of windows facing the street, you may already know that these could be a prime spot to reach passersby. (And a side benefit to window signs is that you don’t have to remove them at the end of the day as you might with a sidewalk A-frame.)
Of course, window signs can reach your customers as they walk in your door. But they can also reach people who happen to be strolling past—and that could make for good advertising. An eye-catching sign might just turn a random jogger or passing driver into a customer or client. Even if they don’t divert their path into your shop today, they might return tomorrow or next week based on what they saw.
Check out what this Virginia coffee shop did to welcome the season. There’s so much to love about their cheery design. Not only is it whimsical and welcoming, it’s also humorous thanks to the play on words. If you can get your patrons laughing before they even come in the door, that has to be a good thing, right?

#2 Coziness and colors
And check out how the same coffee shop used bright colors and upbeat words to get their holiday cheer outside their shop’s four walls. Incidentally, this is actually a great example of reusing your signs on social media, too.
#3 Say it with lights
If you have the time, resources, and know-how, cheery holiday lights can actually do some of your speaking for you. Check out this sign at the Detroit zoo to see what we mean (photo 3 of 4). After all, if your sign needs to welcome people to a light display, what better way to go than to make your announcement with…more lights!
Try co-opting this idea for your own business needs. Be sure to connect with a specialist if necessary to make it happen. Holiday lights could make for showstopping signage on an exterior wall of a brick building. Or, if your facility has plenty of lawn space, setting up a sign made of lights in the middle of your grass might also be a great option.
#4 Let them know with Legos
It often makes sense to create a sign that’s specifically related to your area of specialty. So, if you’re a dentist, signage that incorporates a tooth is a natural idea. And if you’re a restaurant or coffee shop, somehow including food, dishes or cups in your signage is also reasonable.
But if you happen to have a very specific niche, then your holiday signage might just turn out to be as unique as unique can be. Case in point—LEGOLAND Florida’s Christmas Bricktackular. While Christmas countdown calendars are a normal part of holiday preparations for some, you have to admit that LEGOLAND’s version (photo 1) is one-of-a-kind.
When it comes to signage, it doesn’t get more unique than building it with Lego bricks. And while this may not work for every business, it surely teaches us to think outside the box. What unique elements of your own company could you use as a springboard for a holiday sign?
If you’re a storage facility or a fulfillment center, try creating a cheery sign on the exterior of a cardboard box. (Note, however, that if this sign will be exposed to the elements, you’ll definitely need to explore options that look like cardboard but are actually more durable.) Why not spread a cheery message across the exterior of your oversized box, tie a huge bow around it and display it by your company’s road sign or monument sign? It’s sure to turn heads.
Take it away!
With a little inspiration, it’s time to start brainstorming for your own spectacular holiday signs.
And don’t just stick to the ideas you found here. Tap into the deep knowledge you have of your business’s specialties and your target market. What could you do that would catch people’s eyes and also display a festive attitude? For more enjoyable inspiration, be sure to check out our 3 Fun Ways To Get Your Signs Ready For The Holidays.