3 Fun Ways To Get Your Signs Ready For The Holidays

December 6, 2019  •  Estimated Read Time:

With the holidays just around the corner, it’s a perfect time to plan for incorporating them into your business signage. If you’re looking for ways to display holiday cheer in and around your location, your existing signs are a natural option. But just what can you do to deck them out for the season? Let’s break down your signage decor in two ways. We’ll explore tangible/3D decor ideas. Then, we’ll look into visual/2D or intangible decor. 

Tangible and 3D decor

This is the decor you’ll actually be able to hold and touch—and it will take up space. Granted, it won’t necessarily take up very much space, but it will take up space nonetheless.

A prime example? Planting whimsical snowmen figures by the monument sign at your office’s entrance. That will certainly take up space, and if your work involves children (e.g. dentist’s office, school, library, etc.) it will be a fun way to get their attention. Another option is to place a wreath near your business sign on your building’s facade, as you see in the second photo here. 

Christmas wreath on store wall outdoor

On top and wound around

Monument signs, post and panel signs, and pylon signs are all candidates for garlands or greenery. Twining holiday-themed items around your posts or poles is one way to go. And don’t forget you can add lights, too. Even lights alone could have a striking effect—especially when the evening darkness falls sooner thanks to daylight savings time. 

Small signs and indoor signs 

These ideas also hold true for smaller signs, whether indoors or out. Additionally, if you’re working with indoor signs, you can feel free to use decor items that might not hold up outside. 

Cozy plaid ribbons can be tied around desktop signs or A-frame signs. And they can also be tied into bows and applied to wall plaques. Image a hallway full of offices—each office’s occupant identified by the plaque outside their door. Now image what a striking appearance you could achieve down the hall by placing a festive plaid bow on each plaque.  

Intangible and 2D decor

Now it’s time for the second type of holiday decor that your signs can sport—holiday-themed visuals. Unlike draping garlands over your monument signs or affixing wreaths to your pylons, deploying intangible decor and 2D decor will consist of items that are less touchable. 

This could include selecting holiday-themed graphics for your billboard. Or, it could look like changing your sign messaging or LED display. But it could also mean selecting add-ons to your already existing physical signage—like sprawling holiday chalk paintings across your cafe’s menu board

Menu Boards

Your LED display changes will be mostly intangible. You can see them, but you can’t really touch them. Theoretically, you could actually reach out and touch your menu board chalk paint (why would you though?). So, we’ll concede that that’s tangible.  But unlike garlands and wreaths, it’s 2D visual decor. 

Time off for the holidays

Of course, you may also need to rope in some special holiday signage to let your clients and customers know that you’re closed or are only working special hours. After all, you’ll likely be taking some time off this season. But there’s no reason your “out of the office” signs have to be boring or spiritless. Instead, infuse them with humor and cheer. 

Use humor or a play on words

It’s the perfect time for your company signs to display a sense of humor. That is, if humor is appropriate in your line of work (it isn’t in every industry, of course). For instance, you could paste a cheery sign in your office’s front window (or on your door). It could say, “We will resume our awesome work after the holidays are past.” And you may even want to leave the date on which clients can expect you back in the office. 

If you’re a bank, or otherwise in the financial services industry, a laughable statement could be, “We’re not Scrooge—we close for the holidays.” A changeable message sign or LED display is a perfect place for more wordplay or humor. Try something like, “Closed until ___ [insert date] so our team can be Home for the Holidays.” 

Beyond the building

Another fun idea is to get temporary signs for your business’s branded vehicles. You might opt for magnets or explore some other temporary solution with your sign specialist. It’s a creative way to extend the festivity beyond the four walls of your physical location. 

Match your decor with your company

Keep in mind you may be able to match your holiday decor with the colors of your logo or other elements of your company. Even more importantly, you’ll want to ensure that the image your decor projects matches with your company image. 

Choosing whimsical decor may be appropriate for certain companies. But it’s doubtful that all companies should go that route. If you run a funeral home, for instance, you may need to select holiday decorations that are subdued and classic. 

Talk it out

Don’t stick with just our ideas. Ask co-workers and employees for ideas to get everyone thinking creatively. Plus, you can always ask your sign specialist if they can recommend any sign types that would be easy to personalize for the holidays. 

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