Test Equipment Distributors

Project Type

Tradeshow Displays

Project Budget


Project Location

Test Equipment Distributors, LLC out of Troy, Michigan specializes in equipment distribution and non-destructive testing. With the knowledge that we can design what they are looking for in front of them, as well as our amazing turn-around times, they knew Signarama Troy had a solution for them at their upcoming trade show.

We had one of our designers sit down with a TED employee, where they talked about the tradeshow, and what they felt would be the best strategy in bringing potential customers to their booth. Once that was all taken care of, a design was created right before their eyes. Within a couple days of the artwork approval, we had printed their popup banners, and their were all prepped to go to the tradeshow.

Oftentimes, a nice clean set of pop-up displays is the perfect solution for tradeshow signs. Let our Troy Sign Company help you with this project!

If you are in a bind and need a tradeshow banner, come to Signarama Troy. We can help your vision become a reality.

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