Madison Preparatory High School

Project Type

Monument Signs

Project Budget


Project Location

Madison Preparatory High School was founded in 2012. Formerly known as Community High School, Madison Prep is an alternative school that offers on-line courses as well as in-classroom setting to take classes for credit recovery.

Community High School’s existing sign was an internally lit ground sign cabinet with a changeable letter area. Their existing sign was an economy version sign kit which would made things difficult if we were to utilize the structure and just change the panels out. What we needed to do was fabricate a new sign cabinet and hope that the existing foundation & pole the old sign was mounted to would be sufficient for us to mount to. The type of sign we would be producing is a Cabinet with a Vandal System. Typically these signs are divided into 2 sections. The top portion (referred to as the header) you would have the name of your school, business, etc. and the bottom portion would be the changeable letter area. For the Madison Preparatory sign header we printed a full color graphic directly to 3/16″ Acrylic. Below that we had another piece of 3/16″ Acrylic which had 3 lines of track for the 4″ changeable copy. In addition the changeable letter area had a hinge-able clear piece of Acrylic and locks to house that area. This is always recommend with these types of signs so nobody can tamper with the custom message you created.

About a week of so before we went to install the sign we did a final survey of the site. After going to the site the production manager was concerned with one of the existing poles being a little twisted. Wanting to ensure the new sign was completely stable we felt it will be best to do dig a new hole and sink a new pole in the ground. And that is what we did. We demoed the old sign and broke up the existing concrete. It was a little more work but this was the right thing to do. In the end the sign looked fantastic and will certainly be a project to reference if you are looking for this type of sign.

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