Lamphere Craft Show

Project Type

Yard Signs & Frames

Project Budget


Project Location

When putting on a craft show, animal expo or Mom2Mom sale, the first thing you think about is how to let the local area know about your event. One of the best ways to get the word out is coroplast yard signs. You put them all over the city you are looking to have your show in and you are sure to have a great out come. When people see your advertisement everywhere they are sure not to forget your event.

The 18″ by 24″ corrugated plastic yard signs can come in a multiple amount of colors and designs. The corrugated plastic is sure to keep up with the snow, wind or that weird thing that happens when its raining the sun is still out whether.

So let Signarama Troy know what we can do to help you in all of your needs for advertising.

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