
Project Type

Lobby Signs

Project Budget


Project Location

Ionbond is a known globally for providing high quality standards coating portfolios for the cutting, molding, and forming tool market. There are more than 38 service centers across Europe, North America, and Asian.

Looking to re-brand several facilities across North America Ionbond was looking to purchase lobby signs with their new logo. They were interested signs with some dimension that were non-illuminated. With having a 4′ x 8′ router table in our production warehouse this project was right in our wheelhouse. We routed out 3/4″ black PVC copy for the “Ionbond” sign portion and 3mm black PVC for the “Welcome To” portions of the sign. These letters were then two-way taped to a 3/16″ White Acrylic backer and mounted to the wall with silver stand-offs.

With these type of projects not only can we maintain consistency with each and every sign but we also have the ability to turn them around quickly if need be.

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