Hour Media

Project Type

Miscellaneous Signs

Project Budget


Project Location

About The Client

Hour Detroit is a magazine for the Metro Detroit area that includes content on restaurants, arts and entertainment, and trends in fashion and décor. Each year there is a new feature on the “Best of Detroit” and the event brings together companies throughout the area to celebrate.

Project Overview

Hour Detroit came to Signarama in need of large freestanding letters to use at their Best of Detroit 2018 event. The letters would be placed inside the event venue, Eastern Market. Made out of a HDU foam, these letters stand at 5′ tall. The letters are custom painted to match the bright colors of the party theme. By using the foam material, the letters remain relatively lightweight which makes them easy to transport.

The Result

The big foam letters definitely made a huge impression during the event. Many stopped to take photos in or around the letters. Walking around the event space with letters at this size is it unlikely that were not seen. If you are looking to elevate your event custom HDU foam letters will make the lasting impression you seek.

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