Bob Chapa nominated to join the International Sign Association’s Public Affairs Committee in 2022

April 18, 2022  •  Estimated Read Time:

We are excited to announce that Signarama‘s Company President, Bob Chapa has been nominated to join the International Sign Association‘s Public Affairs Committee in 2022.

This is a fantastic opportunity to become involved in national sign industry suggestions, changes and implementation plans that will have a lasting effect on our community. I am proud to have been asked to be involved.” – Bob Chapa

International Sign Association Public Affairs Committee: Responsible for facilitating information and communication among all public policy and technology related subcommittees and task forces. Committee is made up of the chairman of each of the task forces noted below, as well as additional subject matter experts. The committee also is responsible for oversight of development of official industry position statements and for reviewing board-level motions passed by the subcommittees or task forces.

  • ADA and Building Codes Subcommittee: This Subcommittee assesses potential regulatory changes regarding the A117.1 Accessible Building Standard, the International Building Code and other standards related to signs and construction.
  • Digital Signage Subcommittee: Responsible for recommending ISA policies and positions regarding the regulation of digital signs and assists with developing grassroots and educational tools on digital signs.
  • Electrical Codes & Standards Subcommittee:  Responsible for all sign related electrical issues, including electrical codes and standards.
  • Planner Outreach Subcommittee: Provides guidance to ISA on efforts to engage, educate and partner with planners.

To learn more about Bob Chapa’s volunteerism within the sign industry visit his LinkedIn page.

The International Sign Association is celebrating it’s 75th Sign Expo in 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia in May. Our team at Signarama Troy cannot wait to join the event!

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