Daktronics LED Message Center from Signarama Troy | Metro Detroit

May 23, 2014  •  Estimated Read Time:

Della's LED (8)

Signarama Troy | Metro Detroit has taken more orders for LED Message Centers this year to date than we have historically in years past. The technology of the LED message center has come a long way since it’s inception in the 1980’s. Our main supplier Daktronics just installed the world’s largest LED sign in March of 2014. The sign spans 60 feet high by 362 feet wide and features a 13HD pixel layout. While your storefront may not have quite the capacity of the Jacksonville Jaguars, our partners displays are far superior than competitors. 
One of the advantages of a Daktronics LED message center from Signarama Troy | Metro Detroit is the support and ease of use for the software components. Below are some of the points as provided on www.daktronics.com.


Add Functionality

Custom software settings provide more control for creating and scheduling content.

  • Activate the timeline for more advanced creation
  • Change the playlist mode to scheduled and create multiple playlists

Create Content

Venus 1500 allows you to customize content within the software or import media created in third-party software.

  • Crop function-add impact to images and video
  • Text box-manipulate the position and look of the copy
  • Timeline Editor-adjust elements to appear at varied times

Manage Schedule

Set up multiple messages to run at different times of the day, week, month, and year.

  • Group your messages in different playlists to run at various times.
  • Set the playlist to:
    • Run for a specified time period
    • Recur weekly, monthly, or yearly
    • Run following one another or
    • Rotate through messages from multiple playlists
  • Print your playlist to see the complete schedule

Font Size Changes on your LED Message Center

You want customers to read the messages on your LED message center right? Remember, they only have about 3 to 6 seconds to do it. You need to know your font size when it appears on the display.

Now there’s a simple way to find out. The Daktronics software team just uploaded a Font Size Calculator for you to use at www.daktronics.com/fontcalculator. Simply enter your display’s pixel spacing (mm) and font pixel height to get your text size.

New Daktronics blog helps train you to use your LED Message Center Software!

On March 5, Daktronics software trainers published the first Venus® 1500 software blog post. The blog will help users along their creative journey by providing best practices, tips, and tricks within the software for content on their LED message center.

Topics covered in our posts so far include:

  •   Using the right fonts
  •   Making text more readable
  •   How to contact a trainer
  •   Creating color boxes
  •   Adding filler color

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