Statistics about Vehicle Wrap ROI

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We are proud to be the strongest vehicle wrap company in Detroit. We are MASSIVELY proud to be a small business in Detroit… the home of the American Auto Industry. We work on Chevy, Ford & Chrysler vehicle wraps every day of the week!

Vehicle wraps have one of the strongest return on investments (ROI) in the advertising industry. Here is a bit of information to help you make your decision!

Here are some stats from the American Trucking Association and the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (a nonprofit group that tracks advertising statistics) indicate that car wraps advertising cost less than $1 per thousand impressions.  Compare that to $2 for static billboards or $22 each day for a quarter-page newspaper ad, and it’s no wonder that the vehicle wrap industry is steadily growing. Based on this information, vehicle wraps appear to provide the lowest cost per impression of any advertising method.

Some statistics compiled by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America:

– 19 out of 20 Americans are reached by media targeting vehicle drivers and passengers.

– The average American has traveled more than 300 miles during the last week.

– A single vehicle wrap can generate 30,000 – 70,000 impressions each day

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